Support for
ECVP2006 abstract: ' Increasing and decreasing
the Chevreul illusion by a background luminance ramp'
J Geier, L
Séra, L Bernáth, M Hudák
Images are available only for ECVP2006
committee and reviewers.
Copyright © 2006,
Geier and his coworkers, All rights reserved.
programmer: Mariann Hudák, image programmer: János Geier

Description of the Images
- Images presented on this site are demonstrations only.
- The luminance staircase is placed either in a
luminance ramp background or a homogeneous grey or black background

Click on the
images to enlarge.

Click on the
images to enlarge.
What to observe?
- If the orientation of the luminance change of the inner
luminance ramp is identical with that of the staircase, the Chevreul illusion
increases and the steps are perceived nearly identical in luminance. (Inner1,
lower luminance staircase)
- If the same staircase is flipped horizontally, so that the
direction of its luminance change is opposite to that of the luminance ramp
surrounding it, the Chevreul illusion ceases. (Inner1, upper luminance
- When inserting the previous images into another luminance
ramp as background, it has no effect on the perception of the innermost
luminance staircase. (Inner1Outer1, Inner2Outer1, Inner3Outer1)
- Edges behave as segment boundaries, and the impact of the
background ramp infiltrates only through one segment boundary.
For further information
(since April 13, 2006)